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- Posedarje Tourist office Current events can be found here.
Zadar Tourist board We definitely recommend a visit to Zadar. The local bus from Posedarje runs every half hour. Zadar is a city with a 3,000-year old history. In the evenings you can listen to concerts in the ancient St. Donat church. In the daytime you can go on a shopping spree, or just enjoy the amazing sunset on the beach promenade. Since 2005 there is a unique sea organ in Zadar. The waves and winds create harmonic sounds. Take a seat on one of the elegant marble staircase formations along the promenade and listen to the wind playing the built-in organ pipes.
Bus stations and time tables Useful timetables for buses in all of Croatia.
Zadar airport Time-tables and routes.
Plitvice Lakes national park Plitvice Lakes are included in the UNESCO World Heritage. The lakes are located at an altitude of 480-630 meters above sea level and consist of 16 lakes which are linked by waterfalls. Wooden bridges lead visitors into forest trails and offer folk close encounters with waterfalls and lakes. Small power boats take tourists around the lakes. This is a full-day excursion, but well worth your time.
National park Paklenica If you’re feeling a bit adventurous, we recommend a trip to the National Park Paklenica, a popular destination for thousands of mountain climbers and hikers, 20 kilometres away from Posedarje.
National park North Velebit Croatia’s latest addition in national parks.
National park Kornati Famous national parks of 89 islands.